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- 1xExercise Adherence Workshop$129-+
- Clinical Implementation Group Coaching$49
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- Exercise Adherence Workshop$0
- Clinical Implementation Group Coaching$49
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- $129
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Small group coaching
Special offer, only $49!
2 Live Workshop Options (October 26, 2023 at 6:30pm PST or October 28, 2023 @ 8:30am PST)
Workshop replay available for 6 months
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Printable Workshop Workbook
Daily Action Card 20 Pack Shipped to You (within North America)
30 Day Implementation Program
Suite of Clinician Support Tools
Editable Patient Supports
Exercise Adherence Research Summary
How to quickly identify if this under-the-radar muscle is impacting shoulder ROM & strength.
The keys to evaluate the two most important movement patterns that drive shoulder pain.
“Loved learning about the steps to build exercise adherence. I feel confident to roll this out with my patients tomorrow! ”
"Excellent re-think of exercise prescription!
"This workshop was concise, thorough and above all practical. I love when you can attend a course and immediately apply the information learned. Highly recommended!